Welcome newest member – Typhoon HIL

Power Electronics and Microgrid Control Design & Testing in the 21st century

As the energy sources, their complexity and their demands from the grid are evolving more rapidly than ever, Typhoon HIL makes it their mission to educate, empower, and consult power electronics professionals from all parts of the world and to help them test their controllers thoroughly, cost-effectively and safely.

Typhoon HIL is an advocate for clean, renewable, and reliable energy and for that reason we believe in an energy future that includes more renewable energy sources that are distributed by a smarter grid.

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Latest News

Anna Corbitt Takes on New Role as Test Engineer for NCREPT

Anna Corbitt Takes on New Role as Test Engineer for NCREPT

  Anna Corbitt, previously a senior research assistant, has taken on the role of test engineer at the National Center for Reliable Electric Power Transmission. In this position, Corbitt will oversee testing protocols for cutting-edge electrical systems, focusing...

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